Friday, December 23, 2005

New freaking blog.

I've had a new blog for a couple weeks now, I just forgot to post the link to it. So here you go.

I've been slow to post, but keep checking back.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I'm working on it...relax.

As you may have noticed, there is nothing left on Pure Genius for you to enjoy. This is because of some controversy created over my work titled "I hate my seventh period class." I'll have all the details for you soon...once I finish my new site. That's right, I'm making a new site to host everything.

"Pure Genius II"

Ahh...just the thought of it makes the internet a better place, don't you think?

I'll post the link to it on here soon, once I finish it. This one is an actual website, not just a blog so be patient.

Thank you.
